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SHARC je računalno-kemijska aplikacijaSHARC is a computational chemistry application; ab initio MD programski paket razvijen za proučavanje dinamike pobuđenog stanja molekulasoftware package developed for the study of excited state dynamics of molecules.

SHARC radi u works in "suradnji" s drugim aplikacijama, tj. ima sučelja s drugim programima kao što su cooperation" with other applications, i.e. it has interfaces with other programs such as MOLCAS, ORCA, Gaussian, TURBOMOLE, Molpro, BAGEL i drand others.

Zbog složenijih ovisnosti, aplikacija je pripremljenu u kontejneru, prilikom čega je za potrebe pod-programa pysharc unutar kontejnera pripremljeno i conda virtualno okruženjeDue to more complex dependencies, the application was prepared in a container, during which a conda virtual environment was also prepared for the needs of the pysharc sub-program inside the container.


VerzijaModulPodrškaPrevodiocMatematičke knjižniceSupekPadobran
3.0.1scientific/sharc/3.0.1-gnuCPUGNU (11.3.0)BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW3check mark button (error) 

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Code Block

#PBS -q cpu
#PBS -l ncpus=8


module load scientific/sharc/3.0.1-gnu

export GAUSSIAN="/apps/scientific/gaussian/16-C01/g16"
export SCRADIR="${PBS_O_WORKDIR}/scratch"

sed -i "s,ncpu .*,ncpu ${NCPUS}," QM/GAUSSIAN.resources

sharc-run sharc.x input
