
SHARC is a computational chemistry application; ab initio MD software package developed for the study of excited state dynamics of molecules.

SHARC works in "cooperation" with other applications, i.e. it has interfaces with other programs such as MOLCAS, ORCA, Gaussian, TURBOMOLE, Molpro, BAGEL and others.

Due to more complex dependencies, the application was prepared in a container, during which a conda virtual environment was also prepared for the needs of the pysharc sub-program inside the container.


VerzijaModulPodrškaPrevodiocMatematičke knjižniceSupekPadobran
3.0.1scientific/sharc/3.0.1-gnuCPUGNU (11.3.0)BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW3check mark button (error) 

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Zbog "kontejnerskog" načina pripreme, svim SHARC naredbama prethodi wrapper naredba sharc-run.

Jednostavan primjer za pokretanje posla možete preuzeti na linku

Osnovna struktura radnog direktorija (iz zipanog primjera) sastoji se od sljedećih datoteka/direktorija:

Potrebno je uskladiti količinu zatraženih resursa (iz PBS skripte) s količinom korištenih resursa (iz *.resources datoteke).

#PBS -q cpu
#PBS -l ncpus=8


module load scientific/sharc/3.0.1-gnu

export GAUSSIAN="/apps/scientific/gaussian/16-C01/g16"
export SCRADIR="${PBS_O_WORKDIR}/scratch"

sed -i "s,ncpu .*,ncpu ${NCPUS}," QM/GAUSSIAN.resources

sharc-run sharc.x input