Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Moduli koji dopremaju PHITS u Vašu okolinu definirani su u tablici niže:

VerzijaModulKompajlerIzvršna datoteka

Primjer korištenja

Primjer serijskog korištenja

Code Block
#$ -N phits
#$ -cwd
module load phits/3.290

Primjer paralelnog korištenja

Code Block
#$ -N phits
#$ -cwd
#$ -pe *mpi 4
module load phits/3.290
mpirun -np ${NSLOTS} phits_linGfortLinGfort_mpiMPI

Primjer input datoteke


U PHITS verziji 3.31 ne treba koristiti liniju koja definira PHITS root direktorij:

file(1) = /apps/phits/3.290/phits   # PHITS install folder name

Code Block
[ T i t l e ]
minimized input file
[ P a r a m e t e r s ]
 icntl    =           0     			# (D=0) 3:ECH 5:NOR 6:SRC 7,8:GSH 11:DSH 12:DUMP
 maxcas   =          50     			# (D=10) number of particles per one batch
 maxbch   =           2     			# (D=10) number of batches
 file(1)  = '/apps/installation/directory' + 'phits/3.290/phits'  	# (D=/installation/directory/phits) PHITS install folder name
 file(6)  = phits.out       # (D=phits.out)			# general output file name
[ S o u r c e ]
   s-type =   1             # mono-energetic axial source
     proj =  proton         # kind of incident particle
      dir =   1.0           # z-direction of beam [cosine]
       r0 =   0.            # radius [cm]
       z0 =   0.            # minimum position of z-axis [cm]
       z1 =   0.            # maximum position of z-axis [cm]
       e0 =   150.          # energy of beam [MeV/u]
[ M a t e r i a l ]
mat[1]    H 2  O 1
[ S u r f a c e ]
  10  so      10.
[ C e l l ]
 100     1 -1.0  -10
 101    -1        10
[ T - T r a c k ]
     mesh =  xyz            # mesh type is xyz scoring mesh
   x-type =    2            # x-mesh is linear given by xmin, xmax and nx
       nx =  200            # number of x-mesh points
     xmin =  -20.           # minimum value of x-mesh points
     xmax =   20.           # maximum value of x-mesh points
   y-type =    1            # y-mesh is given by the below data
       ny =    1            # number of y-mesh points
           -5.0  5.0
   z-type =    2            # z-mesh is linear given by zmin, zmax and nz
       nz =  200            # number of z-mesh points
     zmin =  -20.           # minimum value of z-mesh points
     zmax =   20.           # maximum value of z-mesh points
   t-type =    2            # t-mesh is linear given by tmin, tmax and nt
       nt =    1            # number of t-mesh points
     tmin =   0.0           # minimum value of t-mesh points
     tmax =   1.0           # maximum value of t-mesh points
     part =  all
   e-type =    1            # e-mesh is given by the below data
       ne =    1            # number of e-mesh points
            0.0  1000.0
     unit =    1            # unit is [1/cm^2/source]
     axis =   xz            # axis of output
     file = track_xz.out  # file name of output for the above axis
    title = Track Detection using [T-track] tally
    gshow =    3            # 0: no 1:bnd, 2:bnd+mat, 3:bnd+reg 4:bnd+lat
   epsout =    1            # (D=0) generate eps file by ANGEL
[ E n d ]
