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Unaprijeđeno je prepoznavanje dijelova teksta koji idu u <back>, kao i svrstavanje tih dijelova teksta u zasebne <sec> elemente:

  • U <back> element <app-group><app> se sada svrstavaju dijelovi teksta čiji je podnaslov podnaslov počinje s Appendix, Appendices, Supplementary material, Supporting material, Supplement, Supplements, Additional information, Funding, Funding, Conflict of interest, Addendum i njihovi ekvivalenti u hrvatskom jeziku Prilog, Prilozi, Dodatni materijali, Popratni materijali, Dodatak, Dodatci, Dodaci, Dodatno, Dodatne informacije, Financiranje, Sukob interesa.
  • U <back> element <glossary> se svrstavaju dijelovi teksta čiji je podnaslov počinje s:   Glossary, Vocabulary, Lexicon, Word list i njihovi ekvivalenti u hrvatskom jeziku Leksikon, Rječnik, Glosar, Rječnik, Vokabular, Popis riječi.
  • Podnaslovi se pritom prikazuju točno kako su navedeni u tekstu.

Improved recognition of text sections to be placed in the <back> element, as well as their categorisation into separate <sec> elements:

  • Text sections which subtitles start with subtitles such as Appendix, Appendices, Supplementary material, Supporting material, Supplement, Supplements, Additional information, Funding, Conflict of interest, Addendum, and their Croatian equivalents (Prilog, Prilozi, Dodatni materijali, Popratni materijali, Dodatak, Dodatci, Dodaci, Dodatno, Dodatne informacije, Financiranje, Sukob interesa) are now categorised under the <app-group><app> element within <back>.

  • Text sections which subtitles start with subtitles such as Glossary, Vocabulary, Lexicon, Word list, and their Croatian equivalents (Leksikon, Rječnik, Glosar, Vokabular, Popis riječi) are now categorised under the <glossary> element within <back>.

  • Subtitles are displayed exactly as they appear in the docx file.



Isključeno je automatsko dodavanje podnaslova References na popis literature, u radovima u kojima tog podnaslova nema.The automatic addition of the subtitle References to the bibliography has been disabled for documents where this subtitle is not explicitly present.



Ispravljena je greška da se slike koje se nalaze u tablici prilikom konverzije u JATS XML izgube.Fixed an issue where images within tables were lost during the conversion to JATS XML.