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Code Block
titlePrimjer konfiguracije za Supeka
(salvus_12) [korisnik@osobno_racunalo 1.0]$ cat salvus-flow-config.toml 
        # ########################################################################
        # > The site type must be given.
        site_type = "pbs"
        # ########################################################################
        # > The default number of processors Salvus will be run with on this
        # > site, if not explicitly specified.
        default_ranks = 1
        # ########################################################################
        # > The maximum number of processors Salvus will be run with on this
        # > site. Serves to protect against accidental user errors.
        max_ranks = 64
        # ########################################################################
        # > Absolute path to the Salvus binary on the site.
        salvus_binary = "/apps/scientific/salvus/0.12.14/bin/salvus"
        # ########################################################################
        # > Run directory on the site. Salvus will copy all files it requires to
        # > run into this directory. Must be read-and writeable.
        run_directory = "/lustre/home/korisnicko_ime/salvus_data/run_directory"
        # ########################################################################
        # > Run directory on the site. Use for very large and/or temporary
        # > output. Must be read-and writeable. If site's systems has a scratch
        # > file system use it here.
        tmp_directory = "/lustre/home/korisnicko_ime/salvus_data/tmp_directory"
        # ########################################################################
        # > Update interval in seconds for commands that have to periodically
        # > ping the remote site. Don't choose this value too small for shared
        # > machines to conserve resources. We recommend 30.0 seconds for sites
        # > with a job queuing system and around 1.0 to 5.0 seconds for direct
        # > execution sites depending on the expected average job size.
        # update_interval_in_seconds = 30.0
        # ########################################################################
        # > Only use this on dark sites (e.g. sites with no internet access). If
        # > this is set to True, Salvus will negotiate a license token with
        # > Mondaic's license server and send along the token.
        use_license_tokens = true
        # ########################################################################
        # > Set this to true if each compute node on the target site has at
        # > least one CUDA capable GPU accelerator attached and a CUDA driver
        # > version that is greater than or equal to 410.48 (CUDA 10.0).
        use_cuda_capable_gpus = false
        # ########################################################################
        # > Force usage of a login bash shell. A bit slower but sometimes
        # > necessary/easier if a system performs some essential setup in a
        # > login shell.
        # use_login_shell = false
        # ########################################################################
        # > Optionally specify environment variables to be set before every call
        # > on the site. Repeat this group as often as needed.
        # [[sites.supek_cpu.environment_variable]]
        #     name = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
        #     value = "/path/to/some/lib/dir"
            # ####################################################################
            # > Hostname of the site.
            hostname = ""
            # ####################################################################
            # > SSH username of the site.
            username = "korisnicko_ime"
            # ####################################################################
            # > Manually enter the password every time an SSH connection to this
            # > site is established.
            # enter_password_manually = true
            # ####################################################################
            # > Fully interactive login for ever SSH connection to this site.
            # > This setting overwrites any manually entered password. This is
            # > necessary for example for interactive two-factor authentication
            # > schemes.
            # interactive_login = true
            # ####################################################################
            # > Any extra arguments that should be passed to
            # > paramiko.SSHClient.connect() when Salvus initially establishes
            # > the SSH connection. This will also be applied to any potential
            # > proxyjump hosts. This should rarely be necessary.
            # [sites.supek_cpu.ssh_settings.extra_paramiko_connect_arguments]
              #  banner_timeout = 20
            # ####################################################################
            # > The number of processes used on each compute node. Best set this
            # > to the number of physical cores of a single node.
            tasks_per_node = 128
            # ####################################################################
            # > The memory per rank for a simulation. The total memory usage
            # > will then be calculated based on the number of ranks and is
            # > passed as 'mem=XXXXmb' to PBS' select statement. If not given it
            # > will not be set.
            # memory_per_rank_in_mb = 1024
            # ####################################################################
            # > The PBS queue in which to execute jobs.
            queue = "cpu"
            # ####################################################################
            # > Optionally specify the PBS queue in which to execute debug and
            # > info jobs.
            # debug_queue = "debug"
            # ####################################################################
            # > The variety of PBS implementations means that sometimes one must
            # > pass a custom string defining the compute resources to the
            # > scheduler. This settings allows you to overwrite the default
            # > (nodes={NODES}:ppn={RANKS}) with something else that will be
            # > passed in its stead. Available variables are `NODES`, `RANKS`,
            # > and `TASKS_PER_NODE`.
             compute_resources_template = "select={RANKS}:mem=10000mb"
            # ####################################################################
            # > Path to the folder with the PBS binaries, e.g. where qsub, qdel,
            # > and friends are located.
            path_to_pbs_binaries = "/opt/pbs/bin/"
            # ####################################################################
            # > Jobs run on PBS sites will be launched with `pbsrun` by default.
            # > A different launcher can be specified here. Available variables
            # > are `{NODES}`, `{RANKS}`, and `{TASKS_PER_NODE}` which will be
            # > filled automatically.
             replace_pbsrun_with = "mpiexec -np {RANKS}"
            # ####################################################################
            # > Environment variables are per-default set in the environment and
            # > then passed on to qsub. If this does not work, try setting this
            # > flag to True in which case the environment variables will be set
            # > directly in the job script as well.
            # set_environment_variables_in_submit_script = true
            # ####################################################################
            # > Run `module unload MODULE_NAME` before starting Salvus. Run
            # > after switching and before loading modules. Might be necessary
            # > for some slurm configurations.
            # modules_to_unload = ['MODULE_A', 'MODULE_B']
            # ####################################################################
            # > Run `module load MODULE_NAME` before starting Salvus. Run after
            # > switching and unloading modules. Might be necessary for some
            # > slurm configurations.
            modules_to_load = ['utilslibs/intelsalvus-oneapimpi/salvus-mpi/2021.9.0']
            # ####################################################################
            # > Run `module switch OLD_MODULE NEW_MODULE` before starting
            # > Salvus. Might be necessary for some slurm configurations. Repeat
            # > this group as often as needed.
            # [[sites.supek_cpu.site_specific.modules_to_switch]]
            #     old = "OLD_MODULE"
            #     new = "NEW_MODULE"
            # ####################################################################
            # > Additional arguments that will be added to the top of the
            # > generated sbatch file in the format '-ARGNAME VALUE'. Might be
            # > necessary for some pbs configurations. Repeat this group as
            # > often as needed. Available variables are `{NODES}`, `{RANKS}`,
            # > and `{TASKS_PER_NODE}` which will be filled automatically.
            # [[sites.supek_cpu.site_specific.additional_qsub_arguments]]
            #     name = "ARGNAME"
            #     value = "ARGVALUE"
            # ####################################################################
            # > Additional arguments that will be added to the pbs/alternative
            # > binary call in the form '--ARGNAME=VALUE' (or `-a v` in the case
            # > of a single letter name). Might be necessary for some PBS
            # > configurations. Repeat this group as often as needed. Available
            # > variables are `{NODES}`, `{RANKS}`, and `{TASKS_PER_NODE}` which
            # > will be filled automatically.
            # [[sites.supek_cpu.site_specific.additional_pbsrun_arguments]]
            #     name = "ARGNAME"
            #     value = "ARGVALUE"
