A total storage capacity of 580 TB is available on the Supek supercomputer. In addition to the storage capacity of Supek, additional storage space Štampar with a total capacity of 2 PB is also available. Access to the additional repository is possible only from access nodes. The purpose of this repository is to store files that are not needed for computing in the immediate future (eg job result files).

StorageTotal capacityWriting and reading speedAvailabilityPathPurpose
ClusterStor E100580 TB238 i 450 GB/sAll nodes/lustre/home/usernameUser data required to perform tasks
/lustre/group/groupnameGroup data required to perform tasks
Štampar2 PB700 i 700 MB/sOnly access nodes/storage/home/usernameUser data that is not currently being used in jobs
/storage/group/groupnameGroup data not currently being used in jobs

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