The following option is intended for administrators when they have to change or view information about students.

Invalidating the UNIC Student Status

If a home UNI uses API, the status of the UNIC student can be revoked via API. Otherwise, the UNIC student status is revoked by the home UNI Admin via Admin portal.


Figure 1. Available options in students related menu

There are five different options in this menu:

  • Cards - option intended for activating and deactivating student cards
  • Outgoing pending enrolment - with two sub-options: pending enrolments and approved enrolments 
  • Outgoing active - list of outgoing active students
  • Outgoing finished -  the list of outgoing students who have completed the activity
  • Outgoing history - the list of students who had dropped off from the course, or had been denied enrolment.


This option allows administrator to activate or deactivate student UNIC card.

Figure 2. Activating or deactivating student cards

Outgoing pending enrollment

This option allows administrator to accept student's pending enrolments.

Figure 3. Active request in the "outgoing pending registration" option

In case there are new, active outgoing pending enrolments, the number of active requests next to the mentioned option.

The administrator can see all outgoing students whose course has not yet started (in statuses 1 to 6). For more information about status, please visit site: Status explanation

There are two tabs in the outbound pending enrollment option:

Figure 4. List of students with pending enrolments

For administrator to accept or denies student's pending enrolment, the pending tab must be selected, then the plus sign (option Insepct) as shown on the Figure 4.

A new screen appears with the following information:

After reviewing the information, administrator takes a action: approve or denies student's application.

Figure 5. Approving or denying student's outgoing enrolment

Outgoing active students

The administrator can see all outgoing students who have started the course (course is in status 7, course date has started). For more information about status, please visit site: Status explanation

Outgoing finished

The administrator can see all outgoing students who have finished the course (course is in status 8, course date has ended and the grade has been obtained). For more information about status, please visit site: Status explanation



Outgoing history

The administrator can see all courses who had started more than 30 days ago and are in statuses 1 to 6. For more information about status, please visit site: Status explanation