Overview of the service

The Horizon control panel is used to view and manage Openstack services. Available and used Vrančić resources can be viewed by selecting Compute→Overview.

Compute→Instances displays a list and serves to manage virtual servers.

Compute→Images displays available images.

Compute→Key pairs display and creation of keys.

Create SSH keys

The keys are used to connect to the server without using a password.

Generate private and public key using putty-gen (Windows) or ssh-keygen (Linux).

In the control panel, select Compute → Key Pairs.

Add key - Import Public Key

Enter the name of the key, type of key (SSH Key) and add the public key Public Key that you created earlier

Select Import Public Key.

Starting a new virtual server

Select Compute  Instances

To start a new virtual server, select Lunch Instances

Enter the name, description and number of the servers

Select image and disk size

Select server resources (resource description). When selecting a resource, the disk size from the previous steps is overwritten with the selected one, so go back to Source and adjust the disk size again if you want.

Select a network (description of networks)

Select the server access key you created in the previous step.

When starting a Windows 10 virtual server, the metadata admin_pass="password" must be added. Select Metadata, write in the Custom field admin_pass and click on the + symbol. In the right field of Existing Metadata, enter your password for the first connection to the server.

After that, select Launch Instance. Check the status of your new server in the Compute→Instances menu.

Deleting a virtual server

The list of virtual servers can be found in the menu Compute→Instances, to delete it, you need to find the desired server and select Delete Instance in the drop-down menu.

If you selected Create New Volume: Yes and Delete Volume on Instance Delete: No when starting the virtual server, the Volume will remain active and you can delete it Volumes→Volumes Delete Volumes.

Available networks

You can see the list of networks by selecting Network→Networks in the graphical interface or using the openstack network list command in the openstack client.



A public network that is accessible from any Internet address
privateA private network that enables the connection of running virtual servers. To use this network, contact us at computing@srce.hr

Users can create their own networks using VXLAN technology. This enables complete isolation from all other projects and the use of floating addresses. If you need your own private networks, please contact us at computing@srce.hr.

Security groups

Each running server will be protected at the network level with a standard security group that allows the following traffic:

  • access from the server to any address/port
  • access from any address to the server via the ICMP protocol
  • access from any address to the server via the SSH protocol (port 22)
  • access from any address to the server via the RDP protocol (port 3389)
  • access from any address to the server via the HTTP protocol (port 80)
  • access from any address to the server via the HTTPS protocol (port 443)
  • access from any server to any other server within the HTC Cloud service.

To add and change security groups, select Network→Security Groups.


Depending on the purpose of the virtual server, the resources of the virtual server are selected, such as the number of virtual cores (VCPUS), working memory (RAM) and disk capacity (Total Disk).


When creating a Windows 10 virtual server, it is necessary to choose a flavor with 4 or fewer virtual cores or a flavor named windows because the operating system does not support more than 4 sockets.

You have the following Flavors to choose from:

IDNameVCPUSRAMTotal DiskRoot DiskSockets
1m1.small1GB30 GB30 GB1
2m1.medium48 GB30 GB30 GB4
3m1.large1632 GB100 GB100 GB16
4m1.xlarge2448 GB300 GB300 GB24
5m1.xlargemem24176 GB300 GB300 GB24
10m1.full128504 GB500 GB500 GB128
11m1.fullnuma128504 GB500 GB500 GB2
54m1.full.windows128495 GB300 GB300 GB1
55m1.half.windows64255 GB300 GB300 GB1


Multiple images are available for users to base their virtual server on.

centos-7Server boot image with CentOS 7 operating system. Username centos.
rocky-8Rocky Linux 8 server boot image. Username centos.
rocky-9Rocky Linux 9 server boot image. Username rocky.
fedora-37Boot image of a server running Fedora 37. Username fedora.
ubuntu-22.04Ubuntu 22.94 server boot image. Username ubuntu.
debian-11Debian 11 server boot image. Username debian.
debian-12Debian 12 server boot image. Username debian.
opensuse-15.5Boot image of a server running Fedora 37. Username fedora.
windows-10Windows OS server boot image. The username is admin, the password is set when creating the VM in the metadata.
mathematica-rocky-9Server boot image with Rocky Linux 8 operating system and Mathematica installed. Username rocky.
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