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The Virtual campus Campus for administrators is intended designed for use by various administrators (UNI adminsroles, including UNI Admins, OrgUnit Admins, and UNIC Virtual Campus Admins). More For more information about the roles can be found on these roles, please refer to the Roles page.

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Figure 1. Home screen for administrator


To gain administrator’s administrator access to The the Virtual Campus Portal, the following data must be send sent to the University computing centreComputing Centre:

Required data about organization details (university):

  1. Name
  2. Type (University, Faculty, etc)
  3. DNS domain (e.g. ""for University of Zagreb is '')

Optional data about the organization:

  1. Phone number
  2. Website URL 
  3. Country
  4. Location
  5. Address 

All persons who will use the VC must be registered users who wish to access the Virtual Campus (VC) must register through the UNIC VC Portal. After someone registers registering as a University Admin (UNI Admin), it is necessary to send an email must be sent to the University computing Computing Centre ( from the corresponding address , to approve them the user as a UNI Admin). Once approved, they will be able to the UNI Admin can approve other OrgUnit Admins. There Multiple UNI Admins can be multiple UNI admins assigned per university in within the UNIC VC, but each must be confirmed by the University computing centre should confirm each one first.Computing Centre.

Administrator Options


The page displays four main Four different options associated with the administrator roles are visible on the page:


  • Person - where one can find Provides information about ...individual users
  • Students - information Includes details about student cards as well as information about and outgoing students
  • Courses - managing of the Manages offered courses and incoming students
  • Joint Programmes - entering Allows adding and editing a new joint programjoint programmes
  • Extra modules - Allows adding and editing extra module


For more detailed information More about each of those options can be found on the following pages:these options, please refer to the corresponding pages.

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