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For deploying and managing jobs on Isabella computer cluster, SGE or Sun Son of Grid Engine is used and job managment system JMS. In this document use of SGE ver. 8 is described.toc

Running jobs

User applications (in continuation jobs) which are run with SGE system have to be described with the startup shell script. Withing starting script, alongside the usual commands, SGE parameters are stated. It is possible to state the same parameters outside of starting script, during job submission.


Code Block
-M <emailAddress>[,<emailAddress>]…	: list of email addresses to which job notifications are sent

-m [a][b][e][n]	: defines in which case mail notifications are sent: 
					b - start of job execution, 
					a - job execution error, 
					e - completion of job, 
					n - do not send notifications (default option)

-now y|n : the value of y defines that the job must be performed immediately. For interactive jobs, this is the default value.
		   If SGE cannot find free resources, the job is not queued but ends immediately.

-r y|n : whether the job should be restarted in case of a runtime error (default value is n)

-R y|n : the value of y defines that SGE will reserve nodes when deploying (important for multiprocessor jobs)

-l <resource>=<value>[,<resource>=<value>...] : defines the resources that the job requires. See Resources for details.

-pe <parallel_environment> <range> : parameter is used for parallel jobs.
     The first parameter defines the module that runs the requested form of parallel job.
     The second parameter defines a specific number of processors or a range in the form <N>,[<Ni>,...]<S>-<E>,[<Si>-<Ei>,] which                                         parallel whichp arallel job demands. For more details see Parralel jobs 
-q <queue_name>[,<queue_name>...] : job queue in which job is being prepared. This option can also be used to request a specific node, such as requesting a local job queue (eg a12.q@sl250s-gen8-08-01.isabella).

-t <start>:<end>:<step> : the parameter defines that it is a job queuearray. For details, see Job queuearrays.

-v <variable>[=<value>][,<variable>[=<value>]...] : ption defines that SGE sets the environment variable when executing the job. This parameter is useful when the application uses special environment variables, because SGE does not set them by default when starting the job.

-V : SGE passes all current environment variables to the job. 


Code Block
$TMPDIR : the name of the directory where temporary files can be saved (/scratch)
$JOB_ID : SGE job identifier
$SGE_TASK_ID : task identifier of the job queuearrays
$SGE_O_HOST : address of the computer from which the job was started
$SGE_O_PATH : the original value of the PATH environment variable when starting the job
$SGE_O_WORKDIR : the directory from which the job was started
$SGE_STDOUT_PATH : file where standard output is saved
$SGE_STDERR_PATH : file where standard error is saved
$HOSTNAME : the address of the computer on which the script is executed
$JOB_NAME : job name
$PE_HOSTFILE : the name of the file in which the addresses of the computers are listed
$QUEUE : the name of the queue in which the job is executed 



More information about the parallel environments available on Isabella can be found on this page : Redovi poslova i paralelne okolineJob queues and parallel environments.


Since the user does not need to know in advance how many processor cores will be allocated, SGE sets the value of the $NSLOTS variable to the number of allocated cores.


Popis dostupnih redova poslova na Isabelli može se pronaći na Redovi poslova i paralelne okoline Job queues and parallel environments.

Job Status Notifications


CommandCommand description
cp dat1 dat2

Copies the file dat1 to dat2 (dat1 is unchanged).

cp dat1 dir/

Copies the file dat1 to the directory dir.

cp -r dir1/* dir2/

Copies all files from directory dir1 to directory dir2 without directory dir1 itself.

cp -r dir1/ dir2/

Copies all files and subdirectories sub-directories in the dir directory to the directory dir2, including the dir1 directory.


CommandCommand description

Auto-fill of orders. When the user starts typing a command, eg. passwd, they can type the first few letters (eg. pass) and press the [Tab] key. The shell will then automatically complete the command or print all commands that start with the string pass. File names on the disk can be supplemented in the same way.

[Ctrl] + [r]

Search command history. In the terminal, hold down the [Ctrl] key and press the [r] key. You start typing letters from a command, and previous commands that contain the letters you type appear. If you want to cycle through all the commands that contain the typed letters, press [Ctrl] + [r] again.
