Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
qcat jobID
qcat -e jobID
qtail jobID
qtail -e jobID

Job submitting

There are several ways jobs can be submitted:


Code Block
# print file
[korisnik@x3000c0s25b0n0:~] $ cat
#PBS -N hello
echo "Hello world"
# submit job script
[korisnik@x3000c0s25b0n0:~] $ qsub
# print directory content
[korisnik@x3000c0s25b0n0:~] $ ls -l
total 5140721
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc          0 Jun  1 07:44 STDIN.e14571
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc         12 Jun  1 07:44 STDIN.o14571
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc          0 Jun  1 08:02 hello.e14572
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc         12 Jun  1 08:02 hello.o14572
-rw-r--r--  1 korisnik hpc         46 Jun  1 07:55
# print output file content
[korisnik@x3000c0s25b0n0:~] $ cat hello.o14572
Hello world

In the case of an interactive session, using the qsub -I option without an input script will open a terminal on the main working node within which we can run commands:

Code Block
# hostname on access node
[korisnik@x3000c0s25b0n0:~] $ hostname
# interactive session
[korisnik@x3000c0s25b0n0:~] $ qsub -I -N hello-interactive
qsub: waiting for job to start
qsub: job ready
# hostname on working node
[korisnik@x8000c0s3b0n0:~] $ hostname

In the case of an array of jobs, using the qsub -J X-Y[:Z] option we can submit a given number of identical jobs in the range X to Y with step Z:

Code Block
# submit job array
[korisnik@x3000c0s25b0n0:~] $ qsub -J 1-10:2
# print directory content
[korisnik@x3000c0s25b0n0:~] $ ls -l
total 5140744
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc          0 Jun  1 07:44 STDIN.e14571
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc         12 Jun  1 07:44 STDIN.o14571
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc          0 Jun  1 08:02 hello.e14572
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc          0 Jun  1 08:21 hello.e14575.1
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc          0 Jun  1 08:21 hello.e14575.3
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc          0 Jun  1 08:21 hello.e14575.5
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc          0 Jun  1 08:21 hello.e14575.7
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc          0 Jun  1 08:21 hello.e14575.9
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc         12 Jun  1 08:02 hello.o14572
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc         12 Jun  1 08:21 hello.o14575.1
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc         12 Jun  1 08:21 hello.o14575.3
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc         12 Jun  1 08:21 hello.o14575.5
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc         12 Jun  1 08:21 hello.o14575.7
-rw-------  1 korisnik hpc         12 Jun  1 08:21 hello.o14575.9
-rw-r--r--  1 korisnik hpc         46 Jun  1 07:55
titleJob Array

This method is preferred over multiple submissions (e.g. with a for loop) because:

  • reduces job queue load - each job will compete for resources simultaneously with everyone else in the queue, instead of one after the other
  • easier management - modification of all jobs is possible by calling the main (e.g. 14575[]) or individual (e.g. 14575[3]) job identifier 

The environment variables defined by PBS during their execution are:

  • PBS_ARRAY_INDEX - ordinal number of sub-jobs in the job field (e.g. one to nine in the example above)
  • PBS_ARRAY_ID - identifier of the main job field
  • PBS_JOBID - subjob identifier in the job field