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Connecting to teran


Connecting to teran can be easily done by using PuTTY:


  • in the Host name field you are required to fill in, and in the field Port number, you are required to enter 22,
  • In in User name and Password fields you are required to fill in your username and password and to click Login,
  • parallel view of your local machine and the remote server will be displayed, inside which you can use the usual copy and paste.



In order to access the cluster outside CARNet network or when you are not using VPN of your parent institution, you are required to create SSH keys to access keybella, which will act as a tunnel towards teran. SSH keys are easily created by using PuTTYgen.

  • When when using default settings, click Generate.,
  • Two two keys will be created:
    • private key, with .ppk extension,
    • public key, without any extensions,
  • In in order to secure your key, enter a Key passphrase and confirm it in the Confirm passphrase field.,
  • Click click Save public key and Save private key to save them into a directory of your liking.,
  • Email email us a public key at

When creating SSH keys, use a strong passphrase in order to secure your private key.

Do not email us your your private key (the one with .ppk extension) - keep it locally on your machine and never give it to third parties.

If your private is lost or compromised, email us urgently at


  • in the category Session, in the field Host Name (or IP address) you are required to enter <username>,
  • in the category Connection→SSH→Auth, in the field Private key file for authentication, enter (or browse to) the path to your private key (.ppk).


  • in the category Session, in the field Host Name (or IP address) you are required to enter <korisnik>,
  • in the category Connection→SSH→Auth, in the field Private key file for authentification, enter (or browse to) the path to your private key (.ppk).,
  • in the category Connection→SSH→Tunnels, in the field Source port enter 2222, and in the field Destination enter and click Add,
  • click Open.

After the connection is established, do not exit the terminal. Open WinSCP application.:

  • in the Host name field, enter, and in the Port number field, enter 2222,
  • in User name and Password fields, you are required to enter your username and password and to click Login,
  • parallel view of your local machine and the remote server will be displayed, inside which you can use the usual copy and paste.




Copying files


Local machine → Isabella


Copying files from your local machine to Isabella is accomplished by using the scp command:



Isabella → local machine


Copying files from Isabella to your local machine is accomplished by using the scp command:



Copying files


Local machine → Isabella

In the first terminal window, you are required to create a tunnel towards keybella. It is important to keep this terminal window open.
